The Behethland Butler Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, of Greenville, will present the DAR’s Historic Preservation Recognition Award to Upstate historian Durant Ashmore, of Fountain Inn, on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Laurens County Museum in Laurens.
The award presentation will follow a 7 p.m. lecture at the Museum, where Ashmore is beginning a series of lectures on the South Carolina militia generals of the Revolutionary War. This first talk in the series will focus on Gen. Francis Marion, known as the Swamp Fox.
Ashmore is known throughout South Carolina for his Revolutionary War lectures and battlefield tours. As a battlefield preservationist, he is the caretaker for several sites and battlefields in Laurens and Greenville counties. These include Hammond’s Old Store, the Hayes Station Massacre site, Lindley’s Fort, Kellett’s Blockhouse, Battle of Dunlop’s Defeat and Rosemont Plantation, all in Laurens County.
In Greenville County, the site of the Battle of Great Cane Break, Ashmore is restoring a grove of pecan trees planted 100 years after the battle. He speaks at the annual commemoration service about the battle and its significance in the Revolutionary War.
The DAR Historic Preservation Recognition Award recognizes and honors an individual or group that has done recent remarkable volunteer work at the community level. The award recognizes achievements in all areas of historic preservation, including buildings, landmarks, monuments, cemeteries, historic districts, statues, museum collections, manuscripts, documents, and archival materials. Local chapters make nominations for the award, which must then be approved by the NSDAR.